<style type="text/css">
body {padding:0px;margin:0px;}
<canvas id="demo"></canvas>
//get the canvas element and create the 2d-drawing context
var c=document.getElementById('demo');
var cc=c.getContext("2d");

//this is where the animation is started.
//25ms is a good framerate for animations.
//the function "draw" (see below) will be executed each 25 milliseconds from now on.
var animation=setInterval(draw,25);


//this function makes sure we'll always be using the entire width and 
//height of a browser window, giving the animation somehow a 
//responsive look and feel.
function setDimensions() {

//var x is a variable with a global scope. it can be accessed and changed in and outside functions
//in this case, x will increase every time the function draw() is executed, ie every 25 milliseconds
var x=0;

//this is the main function where you can program the animation.
function draw() {

	//here the black rectangle will be drawn on the canvas
	cc.fillRect(x, 0, 50, 50);
	//the rectangle moves from left to right, with steps of 3px	
	//its' good practice to stop an animation at some point, 
	//for instance when objects are out of sight - like in this example
	//this animation stops when the rectangle is out of sight, ie when it reaches the 
	//right side of the browser window.
	if (x > c.width) {		
		alert("Animation has stopped now!");		